I used to be what you call a "bad ass" in my professional life. I got a great job with a bank right out of college; I got my investment license, and succeeded in financial sales for almost 7 years. Then IF struck. I tried to fight it, but I stopped caring as much about my career. I knew I wanted to be a stay at home mom once we had a child, and in the beginning I had no idea how long our struggles would last, so I checked out.
I feel like I've lost a bit of myself due to IF. I suppose I should cut me some slack. I sometimes miss my "bad assness," especially in work situations. Currently I'm temping at a non-profit association, and it's perfect for my needs. It's 30 hours a week and for the most part stress free. I make less than I made while I was a server for Red Lobster in college, but can you put a price on not being stressed out with work during IF? No you can't.
I've been along for the temp ride for 3 months and have been doing a fine job, coasting along. I decided to let them know that I am awesome and I want to work there for more money directly for them, but didn't know how to do it. The old me would have never taken this job in the first place. I had a brief discussion with the boss, and he agreed, they value the work I do and don't want to lose me. So, I composed a very professional and slightly "bad ass" email stating my requirements for salary and how I can contribute going forward, and sent it off. I was a bit nervous that I had over stepped my bounds, but to my delight the boss walked by my desk the next day and said "I think we can make this work for you, and soon!"
Yay! Victory for me! So, I guess I may put the former versions of myself on the back burner to cope with what's going on in my life now, but that doesn't mean it's gone for good.